Friday, December 27, 2013

Interesting Sightings

Xmas day was fairly mellow as we needed some down time so we spent most of it just at the hotel in Antigua, or at least the others did. Since I can't sit still I did a bit more exploring of Antigua both Wednesday and Thursday. This is a post about some interesting things I came across.

While it may be a bit hard to tell from the picture, this is the largest jar of Nutella I have ever seen. I would guess it contains about as much as two double packs from Costco. 

The next sighting was around the corner. A store I never anticipated seeing, although the western influence is growing, especially in cities in and around the capital. 

I couldn't help but walk in only to find that while the products are the same, one does not browse alone. No sooner was I in the door when an employee wanted to know exactly what I was looking for and was intending to accompany me throughout the store. 

I wandered a bit further to make my way towards the plaza. I spotted this woman on her way to sell woven products. It was a nice reminder of where I actually am.

Once in the plaza I came across these two young girls selling hand woven scarves. They told me they were both 13, just like Maia.

From there I headed back to the hotel and took a few more pictures along the way. Below you see a moto-taxi which we have seen throughout the country. At some point we might have to ride in one just to try it out. I also took a picture of one of the racing buses that I mentioned in a previous post. 

I happened upon a bicycle repair shop. There are lots of people on bikes although between the bumpy streets and crazy buses, I wouldn't ride here.

Finally, I took a picture of the street. All these bits of paper are everywhere.

 Its not just any trash. In Guatemala on Xmas Eve and Xmas Day as well as for New Years there are constant fireworks. The streets are full of the leftover exploded paper.

As you may be aware, there are certain areas of Guatemala where foreigners tend to travel, study Spanish, and at times take up residence. For one of my favorite sightings, I have to thank my dad. Prior to our trip he connected me with his patients, Ray and Judy who have taken up residence in Antigua. They invited us for breakfast this morning. Their house is nothing short of amazing. When they bought the property, which is very close to center city, it was ruins of a building with no roof. After 2 years of planning and 2 years of building it has to be one of the most incredible homes I have ever seen. Our nickel tour included a visit to the rooftop where I took the following photos overlooking the city.

They also have two beautiful Swiss mountain dogs, Kat and Maya. Our Maia of course made two new friends instantly and by the time we left even I had warmed up to them.

Our Antigua adventures came to an end as we headed to Guatemala City for our final day. 

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